e-Com Solutions

Sorter & Conveyor Solutions
The process of completing an order can have many levels of automation depending on factors such as the product being shipped, rate requirements and investment levels. There is a broad range of conveyors and sortation technologies that can be mixed and matched to engineer order fulfillment solutions based on the level of automation desired.
Our conveyor systems significantly increase the product handling speeds and help the organizations to increase their production speeds which result in benefiting the company in various fields such as resulting in lower cost and higher productivity & yields. Our sortation systems provides cost-effective and well structured flow of products and good to customers. Increases the overall capacity of the organization in production and distribution of goods. And also we deliver high level of accountability for precise tracking of materials.
Our solutions provide you with higher through put ratios. Our efforts to implement a method of management will give your organization the returns you were looking for.

Cubizon Machines

To be truly able to leverage the investments made in Automated Dimensioning and Weighing Solution, companies need to ensure that their partner has the right product to cater for their very specific needs and the right domain expertise to be able to understand their pain points.
The Cubizon Series is a unique result of rigorous market research coupled with latest sensors and software technology available. With over hundreds of successful installations, Cubzion Series is one of the most recognized names in Static Dimension and Weight Scanning Industry globally.
Based on Highly accurate Laser Scanning technology and integrated Weighing, Code Scanning, Image Capture, and Data Integration capabilities, Cubizon Series Products are your single window solution for all your Static Dimension and Weight Scanning Needs.